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Dari empat laga sebelumnya, Ginting harus bermain tiga games tiga kali alias di atas satu jam. Sementara Momota selalu bermain dua games dari empat kali tanding. Ginting menunjukkan kesiapan untuk melakoni laga final. Ada kesan "kepalang tanggung" dari komentarnya usai bertanding karena sudah mencapai final. "Lawan dua-duanya (Yuqi atau Momota, Red.) sama saja, sama-sama tidak mudah. Ini pertama kalinya saya ke final turnamen level super 1000, tapi saya belum puas karena kan belum juara, masih ada satu pertandingan lagi," tutur Ginting kepada BadmintonIndonesia.org . Sudah lama memang tunggal putra Indonesia tak pernah lagi juara turnamen tertinggi superseries BWF. Bahkan Jojo sebelum meraih medali emas Asian Games pun tak pernah berprestasi pada ajang turnamen tertinggi superseries BWF. Menurut catatan Lokadata Beritagar.id, Indonesia terakhir melakukannya adalah pada 2012 ketika Simon Santoso menjuarai ajang Indonesia Open. Adapun Ginting sepanjang karier hanya berhasil menjuarai turnamen level dua World Superseries Korea Open pada 2017 dan level turnamen level dasar (BWF World Tour) Indonesia Master 2018. Di sisi lain, keberhasilan Ginting melaju ke final tak bisa diikuti ganda putra nomor satu dunia, Marcus Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://beritagar.id/artikel/arena/ginting-ke-final-the-minions-terganjal
Top Tips For 2017 On Deciding On Key Elements In

Kim said he will visit Seoul in the near future, in what would be the first-ever visit to the Souths capital by a North Korean leader. Moon said the visit was expected to take place by the end of the year. The latest pledges by Kim come days before Moon meets with Trump in New York on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly next week. Seoul officials hope Moon will be able to convince Trump to restart nuclear talks with Pyongyang, after he canceled a trip by his secretary of state to Pyongyang last month, citing lack of progress. ALSO READ: Korean families separated by war to reunite after 65 years Though North Korea has unilaterally stopped nuclear and missile tests, it did not allow international inspections for a dismantlement of its only known nuclear test site in May, drawing criticism that its action was for show and could be easily reversed. As a next step, North Korea will allow experts from concerned countries to watch the closure of its missile engine testing site and launch pad in the northwestern town of Dongchang-ri, according to a joint statement signed by Moon and Kim. The facilities were a key test center for its intercontinental ballistic missiles designed to reach the United States. The North also expressed its readiness to take additional measures, such as a permanent dismantlement of its main nuclear facilities in Yongbyon should there be unspecified corresponding action from the United States. South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un pose for photographs with the joint statement in Pyongyang, North Korea, September 19, 2018.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001296133/north-korea-s-kim-to-allow-international-inspections-in-bid-to-revive-nuclear-talks
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