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“FOSTA places online publishers in legal jeopardy if they don’t purge ads and reviews about people and businesses involved in the sex trade,” DiBenedetto said. “The plaintiffs see this as a freedom-of-speech issue. We see it as something far worse.” DiBenedetto argued that FOSTA encourages online publishers to profile legitimate massage businesses owned or staffed by Asians and Asian-Americans—women in particular, since they predominate among Asian massage providers. “The hurtful, bigoted stereotype is that you must be in the sex trade if you’re an Asian woman or woman of Asian heritage and you provide massage services,” he said. “FOSTA reinforces this ugly thinking. And, in fact, it practically mandates it.” DiBenedetto explained that Asian Massage Stores members operate law-abiding businesses that provide quality services in upscale salon settings and employ licensed, certified massage therapists, masseuses, and masseurs. “At my stores, we have a zero-tolerance policy with regard to employees inappropriately touching customers or suggesting any type of illegal activity,” he said. “As part of the enforcement mechanism, we routinely send in secret shoppers to interact with all our employees and report back on even so much as a hint of anything untoward. To lump us in with sex traffickers and prostitutes is wrong on so many levels that it’s difficult to count them all.” Even so, many Internet sites and review platforms flatly refuse content from or about Asian massage providers, DiBenedetto indicated. “Since it’s assumed we’re in the sex trade because we have Asian women offering Asian massage, platforms that used to run our ads and carry our reviews all the time now want nothing to do with us.” The loss of those online outlets is devastating to providers of Asian massage services, said DiBenedetto.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/07/prweb15608050.htm
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